“[Trump tax cuts have] to get done. In fact, that's why we came together in the House, Stuart, and passed the budget last week to lay the foundation not just for border and energy policy but for tax cuts. There was this debate over one bill versus two. I was always advocating for one, meaning let's do it all in one big bill. Taxes are part of that because you're not going to get certainty in the economy. You'll see the stock market go up, go down, bounce all around until we have the certainty that there won't be a massive tax hike on the American workers and small businesses of this country. That's why it's important we put that tax provision in the bill that also secures the border, funds the wall, border technology, energy policy, and regulatory reform.”
On President Trump's call to action for the Senate to pass the budget bill to prevent tax hikes:
“Well, we continue to meet and work with them as we do with every element of our caucus on the Republican side. You go back and look at last week's vote. Nothing is easy. We have a two-vote margin. One member voted no. If two members voted no, the bill would have been dead. And so we worked with everybody for weeks and weeks to thread that needle and get the budget passed. The Senate has it now, by the way. They need to do their part. They need to move. And I think last night was a call to action by President Trump to the Senate to say, look, the house delivered on my full agenda, it's over in the Senate. Let's get it moved through the Senate so we can get this agenda working for the American people.
“The Democrats aren't going to help us. They showed that last night. Sadly, they want to sit on their hands while American families face a massive tax hike. This isn't the millionaires and billionaires we're talking about. You're talking about middle and low-income families. No tax on tips. The average tip worker makes about $32,000 a year. Elon Musk doesn't make tip money, so it's not people like him that would benefit. It's the waiter and waitress working at your local restaurant that the Democrats don't want to help. We will help them.”